Demographic Bonus Indonesia

What is the Demographic Bonus?

Based on data realesed by the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), in 2030-2040, Indonesia is expected to experience a Demographic Bonus. Demographic Bonus is a condition where the number of productive age (aged 15-64 years) in a country is more than the unproductive (under 15 years old and above 64 years). In Indonesia, during this period, the productive age population was predicted to reach 64 percent of the total projected population of 297 million people.

The potential that Indonesia will have, needs to be optimized properly, especially in efforts to spur national economic growth. However, this certainly needs to be supported by competent human resources of productive age, one of which is by improving the quality of education and skills, including its relation to dealing with labor market openness.

Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, said that in facing this era, the government would continue to coordinate with relevant ministries, especially the Ministry of Education and Culture to prepare measures to deal with demographic bonuses. 

How is the Percentage of Productive Age in West Java?

In 2018, in West Java, the population of productive age was 35.9 million people, up 1.72% from the previous year. While the number of its workforce also rose 1.1% from 2017, as many as 22.6 million people. However, in 2018, the number of open unemployment in West Java also rose 3.76% from the previous year, now numbering 1.8 million people. Of this total unemployment, 51% came from high school / vocational high school graduates.

Interpreting what Joko Widodo said, which will focus on the Ministry of Education and Culture, West Java Governor, Ridwan Kamil said the West Java government would evaluate SMKs, seeing that the highest number of unemployed people in West Java were SMK graduates.

As for several programs in order to develop the potential of the Vocational School, reported by, the Governor of West Java and his staff will overhaul the Vocational High School (SMK) curriculum, implement the Teaching Factor system and will establish cooperation with a British consultant, Pearson. A company recognized as having a qualified system named TVET (technical vocational education and training).

written by: Suci Nurzannah Efendi


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