Contoh Cerita Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris: ALEY AND THE THUNDERSTORM

This story is made to fulfill individual final project of Children’s Literature made by: Suci Nurzannah Efendi ALEY AND THE THUNDERSTORM Once upon a time, there lived a cute honeybee named Aley. He lived in a huge garden lonely, without friends or families. His family was being destroyed because of thunderstorm in a dark night. His friends ignored Aley because of his weaknesses, not only flied slowly, but also couldn’t walk normally. It happened at the time he separated with his family. One day, he walked looking for honey when he was in hunger. His wings couldn’t be used because there were no energy. He climbed stalk by stalk to catch the top of flower. When he arrived, he met a bee sucking at what he wanted to. “Hey, unnormal honeybee. Why do come here? It’s my flower. Go away!” said the bee. “Can I ask for a little? I am so hungry and there’s no energy to fly.” Aley asked. “You are ugly and a liar!” The bee pushed Aley down....